Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Bird legs

My dad used to call me bird legs due to the look of my legs.  Looks like Ryden will be Bird Legs Jr.  I also always remember my Grandpa telling me I looked like I was riding on an ostrich...hahah....still gets to me to this day!

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Beach Day!

Today was a great great day to hang at the beach with all our friends.  Apparently, Ryden didn't think so.  Talk to the hand:
And Miss Ayla tried everything to make Ry Ry happy (that is what she calls him....how cute is that!)
We even got to see Miss Aurora!
And of course the one and only ..... Oliver!
Thanks for hangin' out everyone...what a great day!

Wild Animal Park

On Saturday, we headed out super early to the WAP to beat the crowds and the heat.  It actually turned out to be a nice day and we had a lot of fun (for the most part).  Ryden seems to be entering the terrible twos a little early and was quite the crabby pants!  I am blaming it on teething...my perfect boy doesn't have an attitude!  We did a lot in the few hours we were there:
 Saw birds
Posed on every photo opp thing we could
Watched the ducks and splashed in puddles
Pushed his OWN stroller
Walked in tunnels with Daddy

Played with this big ball (nice)
Fussed almost the WHOLE 30 minutes on the tram ride (nap time...bad idea)

Climbed on more cool things
Pointed to the lion's nose

Went to the petting zoo
And rode the carousel
All in all it was a pretty fantastic day

Friday, August 27, 2010

Stuffed animal heaven!

This is how Ryden prefers to spend his days.  Knee deep in his stuffed animals in his crib.  Seriously?  I try to take him out and he throws a mini tantrum.  Ok kid....knock yourself out....I'm going to have a glass of wine (hahah...just kidding everyone!)

Monday, August 23, 2010


WEIGHT:  22lbs
HEIGHT:  about 30"
FAVORITE TOY:  his mini skateboard or anything that he can push around the house
FAVORITE ACTIVITY:  playing on the ramp with Daddy.  Anything to do with a skateboard or Daddy..he is all about it
MILESTONE:  Well he did get his first "haircut"..Auntie Mel just trimmed it a little.  He is also babbling so much.  He can say awt (hot), ah da (all done), up, ouch...he will also smell his feet and scrunch up his nose.  We read so many books over and over that he starts to know certain parts and does certain actions to mimic the words.
DISLIKE:  Mommy and me preschool!  I took him for the first time today and he pretty much whined 80% of the time.  I blame it on the fact that it was during his first nap schedule because as soon as we got in the car he passed out!
MOM'S FAVORITE:  Listening to him talk.  He does this babble thing that cracks me up
DAD'S FAVORITE:   His baby babble also..dada dada.  His awesome laugh.  Watching him make funny sounds and laugh at himself.  Grabbing for daddy's hand when we are walking.  Going on bike rides.  Lovin' that he is so interested in skateboarding.  Seeing how much his face lights up when he sees G-ma Tdawg

       Whoa!  Somebody is angry!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

LA visit with Max and Katie

Uncle Max and Aunt Katie came to LA for a wedding so we decided to go hang out with them for a day.  They were staying at the Ritz Carlton so we met them...had some lunch..and hung by the pool although it was a little chilly
Ryden loved running through the hotel hallways and yelling to hear his voice echo....classy
The newly engaged Katie and Max...ahhh...cuteness!
Swimmin' with Daddy

Snacky Snack
Thanks for hangin' out with us guys!  We miss you and can't wait for the wedding!  See you soon hopefully...xoxo

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Happy 1st Birthday Moses!

On Saturday we got to celebrate the 1st birthday of our good friend Moses.  We had so much fun hangin' out with all the homies and of course, Hun did an excellent job.  Homemade cupcakes and all!
There was even a special cupcake for me...Hun is my 'personal trainer' at Stroller Strides and makes sure I run my butt off...so a cupcake was not on the good food list :)
Yes, the bounce house was there but what do you think Ryden wanted to do the whole time?
Oliver was such a good sport and just let Ryden push him all around the party (looks like someone needs a haircut huh?)
Hangin' with the bday boy
The Kaplowitz Family
Group shot = DISASTER!
First taste of sugar!
Miss Claire and Jason
Birthday boy and Talia
Ayla and Ryden