Sunday, August 29, 2010

Wild Animal Park

On Saturday, we headed out super early to the WAP to beat the crowds and the heat.  It actually turned out to be a nice day and we had a lot of fun (for the most part).  Ryden seems to be entering the terrible twos a little early and was quite the crabby pants!  I am blaming it on perfect boy doesn't have an attitude!  We did a lot in the few hours we were there:
 Saw birds
Posed on every photo opp thing we could
Watched the ducks and splashed in puddles
Pushed his OWN stroller
Walked in tunnels with Daddy

Played with this big ball (nice)
Fussed almost the WHOLE 30 minutes on the tram ride (nap time...bad idea)

Climbed on more cool things
Pointed to the lion's nose

Went to the petting zoo
And rode the carousel
All in all it was a pretty fantastic day