Friday, January 28, 2011


 WEIGHT:  24lbs 4oz
FAVORITE ACTIVITY:  Eating popsicles, playing with his cars up and down the slide, walking Molly
FAVORITE WORDS:  He will pretty much repeat whatever you say.  Loves saying applesauce, heart, money, Woody, Queen (for Lightning McQueen), Ham (for Green eggs and Ham), Spider (Itsy Bitsy Spider), stars, moon, Aunty, Nick
DISLIKE:  Getting his haircut.  Poor Aunty Melinda has her work cut out for her.  Obviously dislikes taking these monthly pics if you can't tell by the horrible 20 month picture
MOM'S FAV:  I love playing the flash card game.  We lay out all his letter flash cards.  He will pick one up and tell you what letter it is.  And then he will tell you (in his own language) what animal is on the back.  Yes he knows all his letters, basic colors, and animals.  We are working on shapes next.
DAD'S FAV:  Singing the ABC's.  And every night when Daddy comes home from work he takes Ry to the park down the street for some Ryden/Daddy time