Sunday, February 13, 2011

See you later Bapa and GG Pie

My Pa and Grandma attended a funeral in Anaheim this weekend (sad face) and then stopped by our house for a quick visit after (happy face).  Before they came I kept telling Ryden that they were coming and he would walk around the house saying Bapa and GG Pie.  When they got here he immediately went to Bapa.  Then got shy.  But after a few minutes he was running around showing off how he knows his alphabet and colors.  I have been battling a cold for the past several days.  It has knocked me energy, coughing, can't breathe, head pounding, can't sleep, etc...Jason had to go to a wedding on Saturday in La Jolla so I was SO grateful to have my dad and grandma there.  They entertained Ryden, fed me, and even gave the boy a bath!

Ryden loved bath time with Bapa.  He even invented a new everything on the side of tube...and KNOCK IT ALL DOWN!
 We miss you guys already...hope you didn't take the sickness back with you to Tucson.  Thank you so much for visiting.