Wednesday, March 30, 2011


WEIGHT:  25.6 lbs
FAVORITE ACTIVITY:  Watching ABC clips on YouTube, playing in the rocks and dirt, looking at cactus
FAVORITE WORDS:  Ayla's house, cactus (still), Dada work
FAVORITE BOOK:  The going to bed book, Go Dog Go
DISLIKE:  Getting in trouble.  A few weeks ago, I found him dumping his whole juice box on the carpet.  I told him no and picked him up and placed him away from the mess.  He immediately started crying like it was the end of the world!
MOM'S FAVORITE:  Last week we were both sick again so the only way he would take a nap is if I laid down with him.  I loved taking naps with my boy
DAD'S FAVORTIE:  How excited Ryden gets to watch him skateboard. 

Tuesday, March 29, 2011!

My mom would always go up to Ryden and say ""  And Ryden would answer with ""  So we had to take plenty of pictures by the cactus

Rehearsal time

We all got together to practice our walks down the aisle.  Most of the time was spent watching the kids run around and trying to pay attention.  
Jacob had other ideas of what to do with the ring bearer pillow
Flower adorable!  Addy (the little blonde) looks exactly like I did when I was little!
More peeps (dig the shades Jakey)
I don't know what's on your nose Cody

The soon to be hubby and wife
DINNER TIME!!  Margarita's...too bad I just stuck to water
The Cody's
The bride and ring bearer (cutest kid ever!)
Grandpa and his girl
The boys
Myself and Frank
Cody and Maddie
Kid table!
Ahhhh...cute bride and groom
The triplets
Emma and GG Pie
Elyse's husbands family were amazing.  Such a great addition to our family!  We all got along so well!

Monday, March 28, 2011

Howdy Partner!

While in Tucson, it is always fun to go re-live the cowboy days down at Old Tucson.  A place with horses, train rides, gun fights, stage coaches, and haunted mines.  We went with Aunt Sara, Grandpa, and all the kids.  Ben loved the haunted mine, Jacob loved the carousel, Emma loved the stairs, and Ryden loved the dirt and puddles
It wasn't crowded at all so we got to ride all the rides by ourselves.  Ryden was so impressed with the train ride as shown below
Jacob loved the "ding ding"
Cousin Jacob and Ryden splashing in the puddles
Me and Emma chowin' down on some snacks while Ben was in the Haunted mine
We had a great time but had to leave once the melt downs started.  See ya later Wild Wild West

Our new favorite video

After we watch the entire thing....Ryden says "More, more, mas..." He would watch it all day on repeat if I let him.  Thank goodness Aunt Sara and Papa let us have their copy!

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Home sweet home!

Finally closed escrow on our new home!!!  We move in the middle of April.  I am sooooo excited!  My hubby sure does spoil me.  More pics to follow after move in day

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Naps with Papa are the best

And so is sitting on chairs that are too small

Party for the Tousin

One more week until she gets hitched so we had to throw a party of course.  Sara and I hosted a fondue party for the bride-to-be.  It was so much fun!  Family and friends.  Games and food!
Lots of food!
Wedding pictionary was a hit!
Amazing Katie cupcakes..
And all the fun party peeps!
Will our next party be for this little one?
Let the count down begin.....