Monday, March 28, 2011

Howdy Partner!

While in Tucson, it is always fun to go re-live the cowboy days down at Old Tucson.  A place with horses, train rides, gun fights, stage coaches, and haunted mines.  We went with Aunt Sara, Grandpa, and all the kids.  Ben loved the haunted mine, Jacob loved the carousel, Emma loved the stairs, and Ryden loved the dirt and puddles
It wasn't crowded at all so we got to ride all the rides by ourselves.  Ryden was so impressed with the train ride as shown below
Jacob loved the "ding ding"
Cousin Jacob and Ryden splashing in the puddles
Me and Emma chowin' down on some snacks while Ben was in the Haunted mine
We had a great time but had to leave once the melt downs started.  See ya later Wild Wild West