Sunday, October 30, 2011


WEIGHT:  11.2 lbs
FAVORITE TOY:  The jungle mat.  Just like his brother when he was a baby.
FAVORITE ACTIVITY:  Watching people talk to him.
MILESTONE:  "Talking". He coos all the time.  It is adorable!  Smiling, grabs for stuff, gives you pounds, turns head to the direction a voice is coming from
DISLIKE:  Not too much this kid dislikes.  He's not a huge fan of the pacifier which we shove in his mouth a lot to sooth him.  He usually spits it out after a few minutes
SLEEP:  The past few weeks have been pretty rough because he has been sick.  Still waking up about twice a night. The first stretch is awesome.  Usually sleeps for 4-5 hours, feeds and goes right back down.  The second half he has such a hard time getting back into that deep sleep.  Plus, being sick hasn't helped.  Hopefully, we are almost past the sickness and can settle into a nice night routine.