Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Love..... Is just a word.. (written in china 4/24 late night)

Simple word with a lot of meaning. Being in china for the last few weeks has meant a lot of things for me. Business, my work, is a very important aspect of of my life and always will be a part of me. My goal of being successful is two tiered. One for personal reasons and other for family financial support. The latter being the most important so that I can provide a future for my boys and teach them ethics which I hope will be a foundation for their adolescence. This will then provide a basis for their teen and adult years. This world is too immense to be stuck in 1 state of mind. Or 1 state in general. Too much too explore. Whether it be within the country or in some remote local in the world. Too much too see. Too many people too meet. Need to open up your eyes to new cultures - cuisines, religions, linguistics, and not hold back... Confidence is not built through comfort. Not built from consistency as many would think. Its built on experience, but through diversity. Makes us stronger. Makes us who we are and who we can be. I lay here in putian, china with my window open to the world. Missing my family more than ever, but know that I am working to create a better future for us to live both financially and mentally as I am able to share my experiences with them. And to the original concept of this post --- love. My wife is my world. Without her I am nothing. I miss her more than anything!!

--- editors note ---- I wrote this post in china after a few bottles of soju had been consumed so it's a little sporadic. But nevertheless - all true :)