Monday, August 6, 2012


WEIGHT:  19lbs
FAVORITE TOY:  He is always crusin' around with one of his brother's skateboards.  
FAVORITE ACTIVITY:  Moving around!  Kid can't sit still which makes meal times quite interesting.  LOVES climbing up the stairs.  Loves walking with his walker.  Loves swimming (he will even dunk his head under water in the bath).  Loves climbing pretty much anything...entertainment center...slide...dressers...etc.  Loves rough housing with his bro
MILESTONE:  We are so close to walking!  If he wasn't so spazzy he could do it.  He just wants to get where he is going so fast that he doesn't take the time to get his balance and just torpedoes forward.  He also has a huge set of choppers if you can't tell from the picture.  Eight teeth so far.  Can get anywhere he wants to by crawling or pulling himself up.  Climbs on the couch.  Babbles all the time.  
DISLIKES:  Being bored.  He is very whiney if I am not entertaining him.  Hates when he can't get somewhere fast enough by crawling (well start walking dude!  Problem solved)  Dislikes when his brother won't let him play.  
MOM'S FAVORITE:  We are sleeping through the night again!  He does wake up at 5:45am or 6am still which is hecka early but at least he doesn't wake up in the middle of the night anymore!  And if he does, he will cry for a few seconds and then go right back to sleep
DAD'S FAVORITE:  Watching him swim.  He is like a little fish.