Monday, October 3, 2016

White party

While my parents were in town, they were so great to watch all four kids since Cody was in LA with her homies and Jason and I had a white party to go to.  So, we decked out in our white outfits and headed to the Shabani's house.  Courtney and Danny throw the BEST parties and it's so fun to hang with all of our friends.  Parents night out!
 All the lovely ladies.  There were several cameras and people shouting at us so we had no idea where to look as you can tell from the picture.
 We made all the guys get together for a picture also.
Miss Krystal has quickly become one of my good friends.  We sat and talked pretty much the whole night.  Jason kept joking that every time he looked at us, we were in some deep conversations with serious looks on our faces.
 One of my favorite pictures of some of my lady friends.  All the blondies!
The Benner's
 We are so lucky to have met such wonderful people who we have so much fun with.
 Courtney always hires the same bartender for her parties so he is our friend now.  Yay for good times!

Thursday, September 22, 2016

The family comes to visit....Part 2

The next morning we were getting everyone ready to go to the beach.  Of course, I had to braid some hair.  My favorite!  Although, now...the girls have a specific braid in mind that they want and I usually have to have Cody show me a picture in fear that I will not do it exactly to their liking.  
They are such good little subjects.  They sit very still while I carefully braid.
 Before we hit the beach, we had to stop by the Skechers store.  We got there before it opened so the girls had a chance to pick out what ridiculously gaudy shoes they wanted to buy.  
 Sparkly skechers bought....headed down to the beach.  My dad and Jason were playing a mean game of smash ball with quite the audience.
 Later on in the day, Harper would say that being buried in the sand was her "peach".
All the kids got on board with the sand burying. 
 Time for some cookies!!!
On another morning (I seem to be going way out of order on this blog post), we opened up Ryden's Restaurant for breakfast.
And watched videos on Jason's phone.

 The girls got dressed to the tee...complete with high socks and their new kicks!
The house was super quiet for awhile and I didn't know why.  Then I found them all in Trevin's room listening to Ahwee read them stories.  It was the cutest!
 Jason set up the tent in the backyard and all the kids played in it for a good few hours.  They brought every single blanket, pillow, and stuffed animal in.  They were quite disappointed to discover that they were not going to be spending the night in the tent.
 Little artist...that white board was a hit!
So were the Christmas glasses
 Cody returned home and we got a group shot of all the ladies.  Notice the tutu I am wearing.  I'll give you one guess who picked out my outfit that day...
A boy and his tickles!
 A dog and her papa.  I swear, Molly misses my dad the most when they leave.  Such a fun time having the family here.  I tried to be better about taking pictures but didn't succeed as much as I would've liked to.

Monday, September 12, 2016

The family comes to visit...Part 1

My sister Cody decided that she needed a trip out to California and we were more than happy to have them come visit.  My Ma and Pa decided it would be a good time for them to come as well.  Cody and the girls arrived a few days before my parents.  What to do first?  SWIM!!!
The boys haven't been into swimming in our cool pool as of lately.  But when the cousins were here they were all about it!
Capturing them mid-jump was the best!
Sunbathing in the suuunnn!
Since the cousin's were pretty tired, we just hung out at the house...played out back...and cheered on cousin Ryden as he did some tricks on his scooter.  The girls were his biggest fans which made Ryden so happy.
Popsicle break!
A wardrobe change for a few of the little people and some sliding down the ramp.
Time for a chill dinner
The next day we were anxiously awaiting the arrival of Papa and Ahwee.  We took all of the kids to Ryden's new school to scooter and play.  Trevin decided to utilize the old buddy bench.   How sad does he look??
So all of his buddies came to sit with him for a water break.
 Multi-tasking at it's finest.
 A few fights over this big wheel but Vera loved causing it all around the school.
 Go Pacific Panthers!  
Ma and Pa finally arrived and the kids were out of their mind excited!  We had a few tickling sessions and then Cody left for LA to go stay with her friends for a few nights.  That left me and my parents in charge of all the kiddos.  So what did we do?  Take them on a walk to get the most sugary drink in the world.  Stopped to pick some flowers on the way.
 Yeah for ICEE'S!!
Blue tongues and happy kids.
 Back at home for a fun game of Candy Land.
 And another home cooked meal.  Hostess with the mostest.
 I think this picture is out of order but oh they are playing some awesome ball game in the backyard.. these cousins really had the best time together.
 Another out of order pic.  Leave it to Trevin to bust out the iPad.
 One of my favorite memories is having slumber parties with my cousins.  So this melted my heart to see all of them snuggled up together telling stories to each other.  

Sunday, September 11, 2016

Riding horses and taking pictures

It's always nice to have a mom friend that is down to do fun adventures with the kids.  Enter..Angie Smith.  We both always make suggestions of fun things to do and then we make sure to follow through.  Riding horses was one of those adventures.  So we picked a date and had some fun.  We were suppose to ride horses on a long trail but when we got to the place, they had no one to take we hung out in the petting zoo for awhile.  This goat was my homie and tried to eat my bandana.
 Goat selfies are all the rage.
 Trevin loved the horse with a haircut like his...
They did have a worker that was able to let us ride the horses but we could only walk them around in a small circle. The big kids got to go first while the littles sat and had a snack..
Ryden really enjoyed riding his horse...which I have since forgotten the name.
I think Olivia and Ryden just loved the thought that they got to do something with just the two of them...even if it was only for a few minutes.
Yee haw Olivia
Sharing apples and patiently waiting for their turns.
Man I love horses was Trevin's turn.  
Trev loves horses too...
 These two...enjoyed riding...but enjoyed it even more when one horse would stop to pee.  And lost their marbles when the other horse took a poop.  Something so funny about poop these days.  I will never understand it.
 Group shots...
Work it Liv.
 And let's not forget my chicken friend!
Saying goodbye to our friends...
The boys also did another photo shoot for Sovereign Code.  Trev has modeled for them a few times before and this time they wanted Ryden also.  
 As you can tell in this pic...Ry was not happy that he had to stand by his bro.
 Such different model faces.  Serious vs. hambone
 Real men wear pink
 Ry was super stoked when they brought out a skateboard but sad when he realized he couldn't skate around the office.  
 It's rough behind so good looking :)