Thursday, September 22, 2016

The family comes to visit....Part 2

The next morning we were getting everyone ready to go to the beach.  Of course, I had to braid some hair.  My favorite!  Although, now...the girls have a specific braid in mind that they want and I usually have to have Cody show me a picture in fear that I will not do it exactly to their liking.  
They are such good little subjects.  They sit very still while I carefully braid.
 Before we hit the beach, we had to stop by the Skechers store.  We got there before it opened so the girls had a chance to pick out what ridiculously gaudy shoes they wanted to buy.  
 Sparkly skechers bought....headed down to the beach.  My dad and Jason were playing a mean game of smash ball with quite the audience.
 Later on in the day, Harper would say that being buried in the sand was her "peach".
All the kids got on board with the sand burying. 
 Time for some cookies!!!
On another morning (I seem to be going way out of order on this blog post), we opened up Ryden's Restaurant for breakfast.
And watched videos on Jason's phone.

 The girls got dressed to the tee...complete with high socks and their new kicks!
The house was super quiet for awhile and I didn't know why.  Then I found them all in Trevin's room listening to Ahwee read them stories.  It was the cutest!
 Jason set up the tent in the backyard and all the kids played in it for a good few hours.  They brought every single blanket, pillow, and stuffed animal in.  They were quite disappointed to discover that they were not going to be spending the night in the tent.
 Little artist...that white board was a hit!
So were the Christmas glasses
 Cody returned home and we got a group shot of all the ladies.  Notice the tutu I am wearing.  I'll give you one guess who picked out my outfit that day...
A boy and his tickles!
 A dog and her papa.  I swear, Molly misses my dad the most when they leave.  Such a fun time having the family here.  I tried to be better about taking pictures but didn't succeed as much as I would've liked to.