Sunday, November 16, 2008


We have finally joined the ranks of nerdy computer bloggers and figured this would be the best way to update family and friends with MacMaster family news. The most exciting of recent news besides my Michael Phelps speedo costume, is that on September 18th, roughly one year after our wedding, we found out that we will be having our first baby.. Well, I guess Amy will be having it and doing most of the work, but you know I will be there along the way to coach and get her on a baby diet so that our child comes out strong and ready for karate kick pictures. BETTER CHEEDER!

The baby due date is May 15, 2008 and although we are 6 months away, Amy and I are so excited that we already set up the baby crib and changing table. Please note that Amy is head designer of the baby room so she tells me what to buy and I follow her orders.. I believe she is going for a jungle/zoo/zebra/high end theme so all furniture must be expresso brown and fit her motif.. I will let her go into more detail later.PhotobucketPhotobucket

Amy is now 14 weeks into pregnancy and showing initial signs of the baby bump although she could be sneaking beers when Im not looking - yeah right! She will probably kill me for posting these pictures but ohh well - this is the first blog so its a semi tester.Photobucket