Sunday, November 30, 2008

Thanksgiving in Tucson

So this is the first year that Jason stayed in Califonia while I went to Tucson for Thanksgiving. It was a really quick trip but I had an awesome time! I adore my nephews and I miss them already! This is the first time that Jacob actually called me by my name instead of Weese or Oots. Every time he saw me he would point and say "MeMe" which made my entire day!
It actually rained on Thanksgiving day so the boys got decked out in their rain gear and went outside.

After turkey dinner, Pa proceeded to fall asleep and that meant we had to tease him.

And then of course it was Wii time. First time I have ever attempted a Wii game and I must say I am an expert bowler. If only I could bowl that good in real life. Jacob is even cheering me on in the background.

My BFF Elyse just hangin' out with me...

And just wanted to add in the cutest video ever! I filmed it the wrong way and I have no idea how to rotate it so turn your head sideways... Love you guys and miss you. See you in a few weeks for Christmas. Sara be sure to show Jacob pictures of me so he doesn't forget me!