Monday, December 15, 2008

Charlie Brown Christmas

So last week we went and got our Christmas Tree. After passing the 15-20 footer's we noticed a sad looking 4 foot tree slumped in the corner. After much convincing, Jason got me to agree to take the little guy home. I must admit, once he was all decorated I fell in love. Every tree deserves a home.

Looks big in that picture right? Well here is the actual size:

We gathered the "Kids" around the tree for some good ol' Christmas photo shots. They are used to being in front of the camera thanks to PT Patti.

PS...Molly decided that all of the presents under the tree were for her and she got a little excited. She has already unwrapped about 6 presents so please do not be alarmed if your present has claw marks in it. Just a little Molly love. But who could stay mad at this face?

Merry Christmas!!!!!