Monday, August 22, 2011

A few Ryden updates

- Ry is getting ready to be a big brother.  He talks to my belly and gives it kisses.
- We installed the car seat in the car and Ryden always points to it and says "Trevin's seat"
- We are doing awesome on the potty training!  He wears big boy pants whenever we are at home and never pees in them.  We just need to work on him telling us when he has to go.  Then I think we can venture out in public with underwear on.  The other downfall is he will not poop in the potty.  Seems to stress him out a little bit.
- He has adjusted like a champ to his big boy bed but his bedtime seems to be getting later and later.  That is why we try to do early naps.
- He talks so clearly now and I laugh at the things he says.  He picked up my bra the other day and said "Mama's boobies" 
- The boy loves his temporary tattoos as you can tell.  Dada gave him a sleeve the other day 
-  He loves his little pool.  He will play outside for hours!  The weather has been amazing here so its nice to just hang outside all afternoon.
I think Dada enjoys it too
This picture was taken 9 days before my due date.  Now it's down to 7.  We are ready! (as you can tell from my oh so happy face in this picture)