Sunday, August 14, 2011

Pax rolls into town

The Izzets came to town from Phoenix for a quick weekend visit.  On Saturday, I met up with them at Legoland.  Ryden and Pax were so funny together.  Lots of hugs, holding hands, and sharing snacks.  We had the best time!  Jade and Adam were super impressed with the mini lands made out of Lego's...I was bored.  Ha!
Jade and I were watching the boys while they played in the play area.  They got out of our sight and when they rounded the corner we found them holding hands.  We cracked up!
We also managed to ride a few rides and play on some slides
By 2pm we were all tuckered out (Jade is preggers too..due in January) so we headed back to my house.  The boys played in the backyard for a few hours straight while we watched.  The swings were a hit
The next morning the boys seemed to do a complete 180.  Pax was wanting to wrestle with Ryden and of course Ry is my sensitive Sally and would cry when he did this.  They were both in moods.  No more sharing, holding hands, or hugging.  Oh least we got one good day.  Thanks for visiting guys....see you soon hopefully!