Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Virginia is for lovers

What a great weekend I just had.  Jason was so wonderful to watch the boys while I jetted off in an airplane to hang with my family (girls only) in Virginia.  We talked, ate deliciously bad food, drank champagne, and laughed while celebrating Cody and her soon-to-be twin girls.  When I first arrived, I was met by Cody and Chris (Elyse's hubby).  After a fattening breakfast of biscuits and potatoes (which Cody gave up for lent...whoops) and lots of weird conversations about packages and boxes, we went to see Elyse
Elyse and Chris's beautiful house and neighborhood...

Katie pretty much spent the entire weekend in the kitchen but boy did she cook up some tasty stuff for us.  Mad props for flying on the plane with 50 hand made flowers

Hipsters in VA....not sure why hair mustaches are so funny but we couldn't get enough
Maddie seems to take the cake...
...and after a long day, Aunt Chris was pretty much sleeping with her eyes open

Boys are fun to dress too!

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Here comes the bride

My OC girl Alex is getting married in March so Candice, Marilyn, and I threw her a bridal shower.  It was so much fun having tons of lovely ladies at my house since I'm always hanging out with da boys.  We played games, laughed, and took pictures.  So happy for Alex
Marilyn, Candice, and Alex's lovely stepmom
OC girls
Hostesses with Bride

Friday, February 24, 2012

Best cup evaaa!

Hypo-color cup? Yes please! Peep Cody's excited face in the background. Enough said

Monday, February 20, 2012

Ryden tidbits

Here are a few things Ryden likes at almost three years old
FAVORITE ACTIVITY: Going to preschool to play follow the leader with his friend Jackson. It's more like Ryden is the leader and Jackson follows. He also is known to bust out in a song or dance randomly. Love this!
FAVORITE SONG: Pumped up kicks
FAVORITE OUTFIT: Angry birds or Big Brothers Rule shirt, Shawn white hat, Justin Biebs shoes (black supras)

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Rough night

You can tell we had a rough night when our hair is one big rats nest. Lots of tossing and turning

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Trevin and Noah

Trev got to hang out with his OC homie Noah. How super cute are they? Less than two months apart in age

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

My fav

I took this picture awhile ago and had to post. Ryden was still in his Pj's when I laid trev next to him on his car bed. Ry said 'how bout a picture?'. I took this one and it instantly turned out to be one of my favorite pictures

Monday, February 6, 2012

Goodbye Tyson

Friday went down in the books as one of the hardest days.  We had to say goodbye to our best friend Tyson.  For the past few weeks she has slowed down to the point where she can't even get up sometimes without help.  Most days she would lay on her bed and not even move.  Usually the first to charge to the door when Jason got home, she couldn't even muster enough energy to greet him.  We were putting off the inevitable but finally decided to take her to the vet.  That is when we heard the news we were dreading.  She had a severe case of cancer and was in a lot of pain.  I got the call from Jason while I was driving with the kids.  Trying to hide my uncontrollable tears (Ryden gets upset when people cry), I told him we would be right home.  Teresa dropped everything to come watch the kids while Jason and I went to say goodbye for the final time.  At the vet's office, they brought her into a little room where we could spend a few last minutes with her.  I immediately broke down when I saw her.  All the times I had yelled at her, or not stopped to pet her, or been too busy for her came flooding into my mind.  Why wasn't I nicer to her?  Why didn't I pay more attention to her after the kids came around?  Why did I always get annoyed with her when she wasn't doing anything but wanting some extra love?  I laid down next to her and proceeded to tell her I was sorry for all that and I loved her so much!  Then it was time.  I was holding her paw when she took her last breath.  I could barely breathe myself because I was crying so much.  Just one more day!  One more hour!  One more game of soccer!  I cried the rest of the day and continue to cry every time I get reminded of her.  Today I was cleaning Molly's poops in the backyard.  I saw a few of Tyson's piles left behind and started bawling.  Needless to say, those poops are still in the backyard.  I couldn't bring myself to pick them up.  We miss her everyday but know she is in a better place.  I can honestly say she was the best dog I have ever been around.  We love and miss you very very much Tyson Miguel!!

Saturday, February 4, 2012