Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Virginia is for lovers

What a great weekend I just had.  Jason was so wonderful to watch the boys while I jetted off in an airplane to hang with my family (girls only) in Virginia.  We talked, ate deliciously bad food, drank champagne, and laughed while celebrating Cody and her soon-to-be twin girls.  When I first arrived, I was met by Cody and Chris (Elyse's hubby).  After a fattening breakfast of biscuits and potatoes (which Cody gave up for lent...whoops) and lots of weird conversations about packages and boxes, we went to see Elyse
Elyse and Chris's beautiful house and neighborhood...

Katie pretty much spent the entire weekend in the kitchen but boy did she cook up some tasty stuff for us.  Mad props for flying on the plane with 50 hand made flowers

Hipsters in VA....not sure why hair mustaches are so funny but we couldn't get enough
Maddie seems to take the cake...
...and after a long day, Aunt Chris was pretty much sleeping with her eyes open