Tuesday, December 4, 2012


WEIGHT:  20lbs  Skinny Minnie!
FAVORITE TOY:  I know this is weird, but he loves this little keychain that makes fart noises.  He pushes those buttons and laughs...he will make sure you laugh too.
FAVORITE ACTIVITY:  Loves rearranging the house.  I will find kitchen spices in the bathroom drawers..DVD's in the closet...skateboards in the refrigerator.  Loves riding on the skateboard with Daddy's help.  Loves eating.  This kid could eat 24 hours a day.  Not sure why he is only 20lbs.  Adores following his brother around.  They are getting to the point where they will both go in Ry's room and close the door to play.
MILESTONES:  He can now get off couches and chairs semi-safely.  Learning how to go down the stairs instead of blindly launching himself down them.  Can point out most of his basic body parts when quizzed.  Still working on the transition from two naps to one nap.
DISLIKES:  Sleeping!!  He has hit another rough patch where he wakes up in the middle of the night.  Sometimes he will be up for over an hour whining off and on.  I am a zombie these days!  Also, not too fond of car rides.  Hates to be constricted for that long.
MOM'S FAVORITE:  Loved seeing him interact with Papa.  He was in heaven with him around.  I also just love to sit and watch him sometimes.  He really has such a personality and does the cutest, funniest things.
DAD'S FAVORITE:  Gotta be how excited he gets when Daddy comes home.  He usually drops what he is doing and runs to Jason.  Melts my heart