Friday, December 14, 2012

Ryden's Christmas recital

This was possibly the cutest thing I have ever seen!  Ever since I had kids I have dreamed of this moment.  I love everything about watching these little people in action.  They got on stage and recited "The Chubby Little Snowman".  If I played the video....I would give $100 to the first person that could understand any word they are saying (which made it hilarious to watch!)  They all basically yelled and mumbled something about a carrot nose.  
After yelling the snowman poem..they were handed some bells.  They proceeded to do a short routine to "Run, Run, Rudolph".  I was dying of laugher.  It was amazing and Ryden was shakin' his money maker the whole time.  
This entire performance made my day.  And we were lucky to have Papa and Daddy there to watch as well.