Friday, January 31, 2014

Aquarium fun

We met the Vettraino girls at the aquarium for some fishy fun.  Ayla and Ryden were so happy to see each other and Trevin was even excited.  Little Zoey tried to keep up with the big kids also.  Our first stop was to pet some jellyfish.  Umm what??  No thank you!
Ayla wanted to stay at each place forever and also wanted to get as much information about the sea life as she could.  My kids just wanted to skateboard on everything.  The bellow picture shows Miss Ayla explaining to Trev all about a sea lion as Ryden looks the other way...bored...and skateboarding.
Moving on to the sharks...Trevin was more into splashing the water than actually petting a shark.
And let me just talk about the birds for a quick second.  When I come with the boys, we usually just walk through the bird exhibit and laugh as other people get attacked while trying to feed them.  Well, Nicole had the bright idea of buying some bird nectar so the kids could feed them.  The second she walked in with the little containers (holding Zoey), she was bombarded by several hungry birds.  Zoey starting crying and yelling "ouch mommy, ouch".  I wish I had a picture of it.  The birds calmed down and only one stuck around to eat...
Ry wanted NOTHING to do with them....Trev was all over feeding them
After that traumatic experience, we headed back inside to check out the eels and sea otters.
And then it was back outside to chill with some penguins
Fun times..this might have to be the location that the MacTrain (MacMasters and Vettrainos) crew visits on a regular basis.