Monday, January 13, 2014

People's Choice Awards (warning..a LOT of selfies)

Last year, Ryden's preschool had a fundraiser party.  I made Jason bid on tickets to the People's Choice Awards and lo and behold...we won!  A year later we were ready to go.  Unfortunately, we had to be at the event at 4pm and Jason could not get off of work.  So I got to take my friend Devan as my date.  I thought we would just have general admission tickets but I was still excited.  But when we picked up our tickets we had access to a pre-party, red carpet viewing, and seats in the orchestra section.  Nice!  
Gettin' some champagne at the pre-party..kinda blurry
Devan decided she just HAD to eat so we missed most of the red carpet viewing.  By the time we got there only a few celebrities were left that I didn't know.  But we walked it anyways and took pictures of ourselves
What is up with my nose wrinkles??  I just tried to get as many pictures with evidence that I was at the awards
Our awesome seats
I didn't bring my good camera for fear that it would get taken from my blurry camera phone pics will have to do..
Sandra Bullock
We couldn't see anyone seated in the front rows so every time they would announce a winner we weren't sure if that celebrity was actually in attendance.  So when Justin Timberlake came up to accept his award I kinda freaked... 
And good ole Adam Sandler
I'm queen of making friends with the people sitting next to me..
We were seated right in front of the teleprompter so we could read everything the presenters were saying
And then Britney won....YAY!
Such a fun night!  Maybe next year poor Jason will be able to come and smooze with the celebrities (again, I apologize for all the selfies)