Sunday, March 16, 2014

St. Patty's Day parade

Jason went snowboarding for the weekend with Courtney's husband, Danny.  So Courtney and I hung out together and decided to be adventurous with the four kids and take them to a parade.  It was pretty roasty toasty outside and we had to walk a few blocks (and up a hill) to the parade.  The big kids walked for a few minutes and then hitched a ride on the stroller.  Can I tell you how amazing my Uppababy stroller is?  All four kids rode on that thing!
Ryden was unsure about the parade (too loud) until he figured out that the people walking in it were passing out candy.  So all the kids were lined up hoping to get some treats.
Trev was overjoyed with his pop pop
This adorable dog walked right up to the kids and stopped so they could pet him.  He wouldn't leave.  He loved the attention all the kids were giving him.
This was the first time Court or myself had been to this parade so we had no idea about the candy situation.  Everyone had cute bags they were holding to collect the treats.  Ella found one from her friend.  Ry got one from a parade go-er.  Trevin.....used his pocket
Mila found a plastic snack bag to use...poor girl ended up with a bracelet and a gold candy
Trev showed off his gold coin
And high fived a tiger who was probably roasting to death
It was a fun day...glad we rallied and took the kids..