Monday, November 17, 2014

Cara gets married!

My friend Cara was getting married in Seattle and we were so happy to be attending.  I was one of the bridesmaids and Ryden was the ring bearer.  Since no kids were allowed at the wedding (except for the flower girl and ring bearer of course), Trevin got to stay home with Grandma....he did not mind this at all.  We were all packed and ready to fly...Ryden was stoked to be flying again.  Even more stoked to ride on the suitcase through the terminal.
When we landed, we had a few hours to kill before our hotel room was ready so we hit up the Space Needle.
Ry was super excited to ride up in the elevator.
 Once we got to the top, it was beautiful!  Ryden was content for about 5 minutes...
 ...then he had seen enough and kept telling us he wanted to go.
 We managed to walk around a few more times, get one group photo, and then headed back to the elevator.  That was money well spent.
 I made the boys pose by this tree because they leaves were looking so 'fallish'.  I love anything that looks like fall.
 Someone suggested that we go check out the huge water show that was set to music.  The boys walked down closer to the dome thing while I stayed back to take pictures.
 At first the show was quite calm.  Just a few spouts of water here and there...
 Ry kept walking closer and closer.  All of a sudden, the music blasted and the water shot up full blast.  Ryden headed for the hills.
He was content watching it from afar.  When it was all done he yelled ''Again, Again!!''  It was a pretty spectacular show.
 Our room was finally ready, so we headed back to relax before heading to the rehearsal dinner.
 The first time Ryden and Aurora (the bride's daughter) saw each other, they ran up and just stared shyly one another for a few seconds.  Then, I kid you not, Ry said ''Dada, can I have your phone.  I want to take a selfie with Aurora''.
These two stole the show!  They acted like it was their wedding.  Aurora even mentioned that she was going to marry Ryden when she got older.  
 Then it was time to go to dinner.  Ryden got a hold of the camera and took a few shots...
 The shyness faded away and these two were the best of friends...attached at the hip.  PS...Ry insisted on wearing that hat even though it wasn't Alaska cold outside.
 Ring bearer and flower girl ready to do their job!
The kids left with the babysitter and we headed for some adult fun with my new best friends.  My picture taking was not up to par that night...
The next day it was show time!  All the girls headed to Cara's room to get ready.
The bride multi-tasking
 For one of our bridesmaids gifts, Cara got us these adorable gold sparkle hangers.  So we had to pose the closet with the dresses and shoes...
 ..and of course, all of us had to snap as many pictures as possible.
 The mother of the bride.
 She really is so stunning....such a pretty bride and she isn't even in her dress yet!
While all of us girls were getting pampered, Jason was cruisin' around town with the kiddos.  He had such a blast with both of them.  He took them to the aquarium, a carousel, and a ferris wheel.  Jason didn't want to bring Aurora back to get ready because they were having so much fun.
 I love that these two are still such great friends even when they don't get to see each other as much as I would like...
 Mr. Mom.  Jason taught Aurora to call him Uncle Awesome
 So I somehow managed to lose my camera in the getting ready room (my friend found it in her purse after we were on our way home), so I didn't get many pictures at the wedding.  Here is one of the wedding party.. I am in LOVE with Cara's dress! 
The MacMasters minus one...
 Father/Daughter dance
 The lucky groom...Jeff
Yep...that is all the pictures I got.  FAIL!  The next day, we met up with our Carlsbad homies who moved to Seattle.  We went bowling before we had to get on the plane to go home.  Sam and Ryden have know each other since they were one.
 It was so good catching up with the Silvermans.  
 When we were leaving, the boys walked out hand in hand...
Super fun fun trip!  But so sad I didn't document the wedding was absolutely breath taking!