Friday, November 21, 2014


After Papa Don's birthday celebration, we decided to hit up a kids museum in the area before we headed home.  We drove to Kidspace in Pasadena and were pleasantly surprised.  The kids had a great time exploring and climbing.  The wall walking into the place was super cool...and the ceiling made for a good picture..  
 We went outside and played around at the different science stations they had.  The boys blew through most of them..
Throwing magnets at a tall metal thing.
Can you get it to stick?
 Blasting balls through hoops..
 Building a 'roller coaster' out of tubes.
 Can you pull your own body weight?  Ummm nope.
 Which one will go faster?  The one with more or less weights?
 It's all about the balance..
 Ryden LOVED the bike area because they had a little road drawn on the ground.  He obeyed all of the traffic laws and stayed on the path.
Inside, the boys climbed up a 'bug's house'
 Drove a car...
 Climbed up something else too claustrophobic for me..
 And looked for bugs.  What the H is this thing I might ask?
Jason discovered there were painted bugs on the ceiling and he totally committed to this photo.
Back to the bikes we went.  This time, Trevin hitched a ride.
 This little section actually made the illusion that it was raining in California!  Amazing!
 Human spider
 And a photo taken by Ryden to complete the trip...