Monday, May 25, 2015

Redondo Beach

I needed to take some pics for Fly Little Guy so I headed down to Redondo Beach with the boys.  I promised ice cream and churros in return for a photo shoot.
The boys did great and humored me by taking some fabulous pictures (stayed turned to Fly Little Guy to see the finished product.)  We got there a little early and the arcade was still closed.  Trevin made sure to check in the little mail slot every 30 seconds to see if it had opened yet.
We headed to get some treats while we waited for the arcade to open.  I love Redondo Pier on a weekday.  There is nobody there and we just ran and explored!
  The arcade finally opened.  I got $5 worth of tokens and let the boys do whatever they wanted.  Trevin rode every nasty ride you can think of while Ryden opted for the video games.
 Such a fun time hangin' with the boys.  They are so awesome to chill with!

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Mother's Day

I love being a mom and I feel I am appreciated every day.  But it is nice to have a specific day dedicated just to us.    Trevin's preschool had a party for all the mom's and made us feel like celebrities.  Trevin was nice enough to pick his own outfit out..complete with a minion shirt.  Jason pointed out how nice it was of me to conveniently cover up that so called minion shirt in the picture below.  Hey...I love minions as much as the next person.  Also, the necklace I am wearing was handmade by the boys.  
All the kids sang an awesome mom song for us...which Trevin had been singing in the house for the past few weeks.  So I knew all of the words.  
After the song, each kid ran over with a card.  
 I mean, how cute is that pic??  Old style photos..great idea!  Trevin's preschool teacher always does the best projects.
 On actual Mother's Day, we headed down to spend the day with Teresa.  We went on an awesome hike and went to lunch.
Jason and his Mama
I feel like I never get a decent photo of Teresa and the boys.  This one was the best I could do.  I'll keep trying...
Because who doesn't wear gloves on a hike?  "They will help me climb up the rocks".  
I walked behind Teresa and Trevin for awhile and just loved listening to the conversations they were having. 
 The boys did great on the hike and made it all the way to the top without complaining once.  Mind you, it wasn't a super duper hard hike, but hard enough.
 On top of the world...
 All Teresa wanted to do was explain things to Trevin....
...all Trevin wanted to do was throw rocks.  Look out below!
Jason took Trevin close to the edge to get a better look...
He kept trying to get Ryden to come closer to the edge.  Ryden stayed put near his safety place...thank you Ryden. Less heart attacks for me to have.
We found this cool heart made out of pretty rocks.
And Ryden found a cool marble
We decided to take the faster way down which happened to be steeper than the way up...yikes!
We made it down safe and sound and read some signs.  "No shoveling dogs"
 Casual stroll back to the car.
 Happy Mother's Day!

Thursday, May 14, 2015

La Brea Tar Pits

I am a little behind on the blog, but better late than never.  In April, when Melinda and Nick were visiting, we decided to head to the La Brea Tar Pits since we had never been.
The tar pits are right in front of the museum part.  Just a big pile of muddy looking water and some plastic animals.  The boys liked to watch and wait for it to bubble and "toot".  We stared for awhile and then decided to check out the museum part.
It was free to look at the tar pits but it cost money to get into the museum.  I should've just stayed outside with Trevin and let him stare at the tooting tar.  He had no interest in learning and breezed through the displays in a matter of seconds.  Teresa took Ryden around and read everything to him.  He seemed way more into it..
 Melinda was so sweet to pose for pictures for me since Trevy wouldn't
There was an outdoor area that I took Trevin to.  He stared at fish and trees and was then over it..
 We decided to end our museum trip but not without getting some cheesy pictures taken first.  We followed the directions we were told to do...first up:
"Just smile and look happy"
"Hands in the air like you are stuck in the tar pits"
CHECK..committed to the photo for sure!
"Look off into the corner and do your best scared face"
Sorta check?  Wrong corner Trevin, not scared enough Teresa.
We let the boys run around outside for awhile and get out some energy
Teresa needed to get out some energy as well
Lots of random statues to climb all over
 ...and jump off of
...and hug
Trevin found some beads and acted like it was 'Spring Break in Da Housee!!' (did I fail to mention that Trevin picked out his own outfit that day)
 It was FREEZING (which wasn't planned for) so we decided to call it a day.  We took a few more pictures in front of the LA Art Museum and headed home.