Sunday, May 3, 2015

BBall with Auntie and Uncle Nick

Auntie and Nick came to town and Ry was eager to show off his basketball skills.  I think Jason was just as eager...
We all know about Trevin's love of changing outfits all the time.  When we said we were going to play basketball outside he said "Ok wait.  I go get my ba-kit-ball outfit on.  Be right back."  He showed up in this:
Nick and Ryden were on a team and they were playing against Dada.  Things started getting crazy.
 Auntie made sure she could mulit-task.  This was actually a few minutes before she spilled half her martini.  Party foul!
Lookin' all professional..
 I think Dada was getting smoked.  Ry continues to be super awesome at basketball.  
 I am currently trying to teach myself how to better use by nice camera....sooooo here is my artsy basketball picture for your viewing pleasure.    
 ...and a random artsy picture of Boo.  You're welcome...