Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Tahoe...Part 2

So, if you haven't noticed, I have been an extreme slacker on my blog.  Let's see if I can play catch up and remember all the way back to December.  Tahoe part 2...
The second day, we were ready for some skiing!  Trevin was beyond exited!
  We put the boys in ski school and they did awesome!  We picked them up and had some lunch before we decided to take them up the mountain with us.
We made sure to pump Trevin full of sugar first...
 The next day we did another round of was beautiful in the morning.  But by afternoon....the fog rolled in.
Before.. you could actually see some of the mountain..
After the fog...the mountain completely disappeared and it was freezing!!
Trevin was pretty miserable and cold so we decided to call it a day.  It was also New Year's Eve so we had to get ready for the festivities.
 We headed to Reno to the Demer's house for some champagne and fun.  I got absolutely no pictures of the kids or the guys...but I got a thousand of me and Leslie.  Happy New Year!
 The next day we packed up and headed home.  We stopped off at this cool place and they had a fake city set up.  The kids ran around and played.  It was such an awesome area!
 Trevin was just glad to make it home to his kit kats and Christmas glasses...
We also celebrated my birthday with some sushi and ice cream cake.