Friday, January 1, 2016

Tahoe...Part 1

After we had a fun Christmas in Tucson, we drove home for one day and then hit the road again.  We headed up to Tahoe to hang with our friends in their cabin and do some skiing/snowboarding.  Although we had been in the car for what seemed like forever, the ride turned beautiful when we hit the snow.
 Our GPS told us to go through the mountains and that would shorten our trip by about an hour.  Well, we found ourselves in the middle of a snow storm and our short route ended up taking us about 3 hours longer.  Twelve hours later and we finally arrived at the cabin.  The next morning the boys were excited to get on their snow gear and hit the slopes.
 Well...once again, our plan didn't work out.  We got to the mountain and all the ski rentals and lessons were booked solid!  So we ended up heading to a sledding hill and had a blast.
 Sometimes it's fun to dress in ridiculous winter coats.  #chewbacca
At first, I thought the boys would want nothing to do with sledding down the huge hills.  Boy was I wrong.  Ryden was a pro!  And Trevin held his own as well.  They would do solo turns and then hop on together.  Up and down, up and down.
Whoa doggies!!
Boys in snow
Boys and one girl in snow
 I'm sure Trevin ingested some pretty questionable snow..but it was his favorite activity
 Ryden liked making snow angels 
Ry just sitting' pondering life..
 This was really such a fun activity for all parties involved.  Although there are no pictures of me, I went down the hill several times and was scared to death I was going to break my butt bone each time....but still had a blast.
 I love rosy cheeks from the cold..
Dressing as twinsies to go meet our friends for dinner.
 The Luis' were some of our best homies in Manhattan Beach.  Miles was one of Ryden's first friends he made.  And Trevin and Olivia are the cutest together.  She is like his big sis!
 Well, they moved to Oakland a few months ago so it was SO awesome to meet them in Tahoe and hang for a bit.  We sure do miss the heck out of them!
 Homies for LIFE!
Scott and Leslie (who's cabin we were staying in) came down from their house in Reno and the kids all snuggled together for a movie.  Their daughter, Annika, loves the boys and vice versa.  The boys passed out shortly after the movie started...get some rest for our big ski day tomorrow!