Thursday, March 10, 2016

A few March activities

We always love hanging out with the Schroeder clan so we decided to take a weekend trip with them.  Jason found a new snowboarding partner in Bryon so we headed to Big Bear.  We rented a fun cabin and all the boys got to have a sleepover.
 I didn't get that many pictures but we had such a great time (even though I completely sucked at skiing this time around).  Deb and I had a great routine hanging out on the bunny slope all day while the littles were in ski school.  Practice makes perfect.
 Such a fun crew...
 Hopefully, this will become a new tradition.
In first grade, everyone gets a chance to take home Hugo...the dragon...for a weekend.  It was Ry's turn and he took that thing every where.  
Doughnuts all around!
 Zootopia with the homies
 Of course, he has to visit the beach.
Not sure why my kids are dressed like they are homeless.
 Sushi time!
 We headed to Pennekamp to cruise on the big wheel and play some basketball.
 I do believe Hugo had an awesome weekend.