Saturday, June 11, 2016

Solo Disney date with Trev

Jason and Ryden went to Texas to visit Auntie and Nick and I stayed home with Trevin.  After I heard about all of the fun stuff they had planned (water parks, water holes, playing with doggies) I felt I had to step up my game.  So Trev and I decided to do a Disney day.  This is the first time I have been to Disney solo, with just one boy.  Let me just say, we had the best time!  Trevin is a different little person when he doesn't have his brother around to annoy.
I was super shocked because the park didn't look super crowded.  We got right on the tram without waiting and walked right onto the teacups.
Our next stop was Small World and we walked right on to that ride as well...we even stopped for a few photos.
Trev is still so in to reading signs and wants to know what everything says.
My boys LOVE the small roller coaster in Toon Town so that was all Trevin was talking about.  We headed over there next and only waited for about 5 minutes.  Every time the roller coaster would roar above our heads, Trev would jump with excitement. 
After that was over, we headed to our next destination.  Every car we passed, Trev would say "Take my picture Mama".  No problem!
He was so great posing for every picture I asked of him.  Towards the end of the day...that faded :)
Show me your muscles!
We were heading towards Splash Mountain when we spotted a celebrity!  The line for a picture with Goofy was super short so I convinced Trevin to take a picture with him.  While we were waiting, he wanted nothing to do with Goofy.  I bribed him with some snacks and he was all over it...
Nathan' but love for Goofy
My turn to get in on the action....while Trevin keeps on smiling...
Oh I guess Trev should be in the picture too.
Some of my friends pointed out how well I match outfits with Goofy.  Totally planned it that way.
Finally on our way to Splash Mountain.  I kept hoping Trevin wouldn't change his mind like he does so often.  We had a fast pass so the line went super quick so I don't think he had time to change his mind.
He did it and loved it...his pants and shirt got a little wet so that part he could've done without..but I was so proud of him!  
And another "take my picture Mama..I eat the honey like a bear"
A quick ride on the Jungle Cruise since the line was pretty short..
...and of course...whenever we are in that area, I have to get a gigantic pickle.  It's like tradition.  And yes, Trev did a shirt change.
Time to drive some cars.  Trevin was stoked that the lady gave him this pass thing to give to the front of the line people.  It's how they determine how long the wait is.  He took his job very seriously.
Almost our turn!

I let him drive but seeing as he could barely see over the wheel, we crashed and burned a lot.  "You drive Mama!"
There is this huge Star Wars exhibit by the cars so we decided to check it out. 
There was a super short line for something and Trevin wanted to stand in line.  I had NO idea what the line was for but ok...ended up it was to meet someone from the dark side that  I had NO idea who he was.
Trev kept his distance.  Don't blame him
I kept my distance as well..
It was starting to get a little packed but still not long waits at all.  
We got a fast pass for Big Thunder and again, I was hoping that Trevin wouldn't change his mind.  I told him that he could change into his nasty work out pants that he made me bring if he went on the train roller coaster.  So he did, and he had a grand ol' time.
Buzz Lightyear 
I have never been a fan of the submarine ride.  It's just boring to me and the wait is always so long.  This was honestly the longest line we waited in.  And Trevin was soo patient the whole entire day!  I couldn't help but wonder how patient he would've been if he had his brother there to torture. ;)
Trevin kept saying he wanted to stay until 11pm (when it closed).  He wanted it to be dark so he could see the 'pireworks'.  We made it until 7pm.  We had such an amazing day!  It's so nice to spend an entire day with just one kid because I think they enjoy the one on one time as much as we do.  Don't get me wrong, they are both awesome together but solo time is much needed on both ends.