Sunday, September 4, 2016

El Capitan....Glamping part 3

The next morning we all got ready to go on the Llama hike.  It was a short little walk up to a field where Llama just ran free.
You could pick up some hay and chase wildly after these Llama in an attempt to feed them which never worked you stand by your friend and take pictures instead.
Trevin on a mission to pet one of these didn't work out
The boys settled for the goats instead and the goats were all to happy to eat the nasty hay out of their hands.
All 'animal-ed' out and heading back down the hill.
We headed back to the cabin and let the kids run free again.  We found Ryden and Andrew quietly playing cards at a picnic table...
And Tessa and Trevin playing on the loft again...
Ryden did some exploring in the "woods" also.
It was time to get ready to go to the BBQ and music dinner the campground was throwing.  I told the boys that we could  have no devices throughout this whole trip and I come outside to see this...sneaky boys!
 Angie and I got all glamped up in our matching tanks...twinsies
 We walked down to the BBQ and the kids were being silly by the campfire.
 After we feasted on some awesome BBQ, we went to watch the band play.  
 And I had some hang time with the little girls because we are bestie...
More selfie silliness.  I must say, Trevin is a master selfie taker 
I simply had to organize this bottom picture.  It was quite hard to perfect the human pyramid but I think we were pretty close :)
 Time to roast marshmallows...or just sticks.  We seem to have left our s'more stuff back at the camp.
Back at the camp for one more organized game in the large grass area.
 The next morning it was time to pack up and go.  So sad..too bad.  Ryden got in one last bike ride with his homies.  He was old enough this year that we let him ride down to the store with his friends and no adults.  Jason would give him some money to buy a treat.  It was a rater big responsibility but he handled it great!
Ryden didn't make it back from his solo store bike ride in time for the group photo.  But look at all these crazy kids!
 Amazing that Tessa was using crochet rackets as pretend crutches.
 The crazy adult crew
 I love how it looks like Phil is knocking out Jason with his elbow in this picture.
One quick family picture now that Ryden was back.
And of didn't think we would leave without an epic karate kick picture..
All packed up and ready to for the road (this picture is for Grandpa Clyde who used to drink Coors all the time)
What a GREAT time we had!!!  Can't wait to start planning for next year.  Love this (hopefully) new tradition we started.