Friday, November 10, 2017

Sender One

The kids had the day off from school for Veteran's Day so we decided to do another MacSmith adventure.  We headed to an indoor climbing place that the boys went to with Jason last week.  The kids LOVED it!!  
So many fun things to climb and everyone did great!  No whining or complaining...just a lot of climbing.
Even little Tessa now deemed this "her thing".  
Ryden climbed all the way to this platform thing and then jumped off and grabbed this padded cylinder.  He hung on for dear life and swung for a few minutes.  ... American Ninja Warrior style.
One of my favorite ones was the glow in the dark tunnel....Trev made it all the way to the top of that thing.
Olivia was in hog heaven....
 This city climb was a lot higher than it looks...
Up and down...up and down...
 Ryden made it all the way to the tallest building...
 Such a fun day!  Next time, Angie and I are going to ditch the kids and go by ourselves haha!