Sunday, December 3, 2017

New York...Part 1

My most favorite time of the year and we are back to visit New York...which is magical during the holidays.  We arrived pretty late and checked into our posh, swanky hotel room....complete with fancy, smancy walls.
 The next morning we were up semi bright and early to hop on the train to Connecticut.  The boys loved riding on the train and it was a super quick trip.  We were so excited to hang with the cousins and the aunts and the uncles and the GG's.
 All dressed up for the chilly weather.  Such a change seeing as it was 90 degrees when we left LA.
 Bennett was over the moon to hang with Ry and Trev.  It was SO cute to watch.  He just followed those boys around and Ryden loved every minute of it.
 On to the playground where the grownups had more fun than the kids...and Uncle Dale made sure to document it all.
Ok I think the kids had fun too....
The three boys played on this teeter totter thing for quite some time.  Bennett helped "push" the boys back and forth and would DIE of laughter each time.
Please don't break your arm....
 Best Buds....
 The grown ups got off the swing long enough to let the kids try..whoa doggies...
 Ryden climbed up this rock wall thing several times...heart attack city!
Katie's face says it all...
 Commit to the photo people!!!  Nice work.
 Trevin would climb on it too and then get to a part and yell "help! help! I can't get down!"
We headed to the beach to check out the sunset because JMac sure loves a good sunset.

Cousins!! (well some of us at least..)
Cousins with their hubs...
And Trevin looking like he is taking a dump...
...more to come