Tuesday, December 19, 2017

New York....part 2

After our park adventure we went back to Katie and Chris's house for some more cousin play time.  Bennett again, loved to be right by his older cousins....dinosaur in hand.
 And I was content playing with the girls....
 Bennett was so cute with his little sis....
Ryden introduced one of the twins (I can't see any pink so I don't know if it's Penny or Quinn..fail) to the fire.  She didn't seem interested which is a good thing..
 All poor Bennett wanted to do was make the darn gingerbread house!  We finally decided it was time...
 It proved to be a challenge to get the walls put together so Elyse took over...
 ...and Trevin made sure the frosting stayed safe...
Bennett waited patiently (with his dinosaur) until he got the OK to start decorating...
 This picture is my fav!  The look Elyse is giving Trevin is the best....
 Langley cheered from the sidelines...
 Then we got bored and decided to snapchat it up... We are the cutest koala bears around...
The finished product (after a lot of missing candy that was eaten).
 And thirty seconds later....it came crashing down.  The 'sad face' picture....
 After that eventful day, we headed to our hotel.  The next morning we were up bright and early exploring behind the hotel....
 Even Ryden was taking some pics...
 We were thrilled to be hanging with the cousins for a few more hours until we had to head back to the city.
 All they requested was to go back to the park from yesterday.  Ryden found a ball and had a great time throwing it against the wall with Bennett.
 Trying to get a decent picture was a no-go.....
Close enough....
 And then GG showed us all UP and rode the swing at 89 years young!!!
One last stop to get ice cream before we had to catch the train....
 See you later Connecticut..... 
 We had such a blast with everyone!!!
 Resting our eyes on the train ride.....
 That night, we went to the Charlie and the Chocolate Broadway show...it was a blast!!!  The kids LOVED it and so did we!!
 Great start to our vacation....more to come