Friday, February 6, 2009

Belly update

Here is a close up of the belly. I am almost 26 weeks and approaching the third trimester. I cannot believe I only have 3 more months! I have loved being pregnant and am glad I finally have a belly. I have been wearing tight shirts to show it off. Ryden is an active little guy. He seems to move around all day and all night! We are in trouble! I finally got the last ultrasound on DVD and will post it as soon as Jason gets back (I am not that talented to post it myself) I do have to say that Jason has been such an awesome support system throughout this entire pregnancy. Always telling me I look pretty...making sure I eat my veggies...talking to my belly. I just see his eyes light up every time he talks about this baby. I know he is going to make the most wonderful daddy! I only hope I can raise my son as well as Teresa raised Jason.