Sunday, March 29, 2009

Wild Animal Park

So when Sara and Steve were out here last time, they upgraded their SD Zoo/Wild Animal Park tickets and gave them to us. So we have these free passes until October of this year. We decided to finally utilize them and headed out to the Wild Animal Park today. It was so much fun! It was the perfect day...sunny and warm so a lot of the animals were out. And although I am 8 months pregnant we managed to see most of the park. We also took the tram ride around to see the animals in their natural settings which was pretty cool. Everything was free because we are part of the Diamond Club thanks to Sara and Steve. So we stayed for a couple of hours and didn't feel bad about leaving because we didn't have to pay for parking, tram rides, or admission. Maybe I will drag Jason to the zoo next week!

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Papa Don Visit and Week 33 Belly

Jason's Grandpa Don, Grandma Pam, and his cousin Madison came down to visit from LA today. We try to make it up there to see them as much as possible but this time we made them come see our house and the baby room. It was great to see them as usual. Madison is 8 and already way cooler than I ever was. And it's always so good to see Pam and time we see them Don will be able to meet his first great-grandchild! We went to lunch down by the Marina and then gave them a tour of the MacMaster pad. Tonight I also attempted to do something I didn't think I should. I ate TWO slices of pizza which is against the Gestational Diabetes rules. But my blood sugar was perfectly fine when I tested it which made me happy. A girl can only eat so much of chicken and veggies! I need something fun once in a while!!! Jason was also talking to Ryden while we were sitting on the couch and he was moving up a storm! We could feel his little body parts and see my belly moving! It is very weird and cool at the same time. He seems to regonize Jason's voice and moves everytime he hears it. This makes my belly very odd shaped.
The Clan at the Oceanside Pier/Harbor

The Girls

I think my belly is almost as big as Papa Don's

Jason and Don "pounding" it up

And here it is....the 33 week belly. I had to put my comfortable pants on for this one! I am huge! Another 6 weeks of growing?? Yikes!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


Ok so I have been pretty bad about updating the blog but nothing super cool has happened in the past week. I went to the doctor and he was just as surprised as we were that my glucose levels were high. He said my monitoring numbers looked pretty good and just continue to watch what I eat and monitor. I should be completely fine. I have another appointment next week and he said he should be able to determine if I do have Diabetes or not. But either way, I need to continue to eat healthy which is easy with my diet consultant otherwise known as Jason. This kid is sure going to like vegetables and salad!

Random picture of Molly (weirdest picture!)

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Gestational Diabetes

So after failing my first glucose test (results were high) I had to go in for the three hour test. I had to drink a beyond sugary drink, sit in a lab for three hours, and get my blood drawn every hour, all without eating a thing! I found out these results were high as well so now I have to monitor my blood sugar each day by pricking my finger before and after each meal. My numbers seem to be ok but what do I know. I have a doctor's appointment on Monday to discuss the results. I will keep everyone posted. Other than that I am feeling 100% fine. Here is a random picture of Tyson:

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Ryden's "CRIB"

It's finally done all thanks to the help of my cousins and Jason. Katie and Elyse came out this past weekend to help paint the baby room. Katie is a perfectionist which worked out in my favor. Most of the time Katie just wanted to do everything on her own so Elyse and I hung out downstairs and watched America's Funniest Home Videos. And of course I wasn't allowed in the room (except a few minutes here and there). Jason even put on his Michael Jackson mask to help. I was so happy with the end results. It was better than I had hoped for! Thanks Katie for being a night owl and staying up until 2:30 to finish small details! I miss you cousins already!!

Just starting out Messing with Katie
Michael Jackson!Katie was in charge of the Zebras (most difficult of the animals)

Elyse took over the elephants

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Tucson baby shower

So my awesome big sister threw me the best baby shower in Tucson this past weekend. I got to see a TON of people I haven't seen in so long, plus all of my family. It was so much fun! We played games, opened presents, and ate lots of cake. Ryden is completely spoiled and he is not even born yet! We also got to watch Ben's last soccer game. GO GREEN FROGS! Jason and I of course had to make T-shirts for the special occasion. Melinda and Brandon even came down for the festivities. Can I just say that Melinda is one excited Aunt. She literally had her hand on my belly the entire visit. The twins were the same way. K & E even got to feel Ryden kick a few times. Even though it was such a fast trip I feel like I got to spend a lot of time with the family which always makes me happy. I always wish I lived closer but I can't leave California.
PS. I hope you are feeling better Pa!YEAH GREEN FROGS!! Even though they don't keep score...I say they won!
Jade is due in July and isn't even showing yet. I keep warning her that she will pop one day just like I did!

Isn't my shirt so cute? Thanks Marcy for the homemade tank top! I loved it!

Thank you for the best shower ever Sara!! And PT mom ever!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

My Awesome Cousin

Thank you so much Elyse for doing such a wonderful job taking our pictures! We are so impressed with how they turned out and we had so much fun taking them. I am so lucky to have a cousin like you! (and you too Katie..LO)

Can't wait to see you guys again this weekend :) XOXO