Saturday, March 28, 2009

Papa Don Visit and Week 33 Belly

Jason's Grandpa Don, Grandma Pam, and his cousin Madison came down to visit from LA today. We try to make it up there to see them as much as possible but this time we made them come see our house and the baby room. It was great to see them as usual. Madison is 8 and already way cooler than I ever was. And it's always so good to see Pam and time we see them Don will be able to meet his first great-grandchild! We went to lunch down by the Marina and then gave them a tour of the MacMaster pad. Tonight I also attempted to do something I didn't think I should. I ate TWO slices of pizza which is against the Gestational Diabetes rules. But my blood sugar was perfectly fine when I tested it which made me happy. A girl can only eat so much of chicken and veggies! I need something fun once in a while!!! Jason was also talking to Ryden while we were sitting on the couch and he was moving up a storm! We could feel his little body parts and see my belly moving! It is very weird and cool at the same time. He seems to regonize Jason's voice and moves everytime he hears it. This makes my belly very odd shaped.
The Clan at the Oceanside Pier/Harbor

The Girls

I think my belly is almost as big as Papa Don's

Jason and Don "pounding" it up

And here it is....the 33 week belly. I had to put my comfortable pants on for this one! I am huge! Another 6 weeks of growing?? Yikes!