Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Ryden's "CRIB"

It's finally done all thanks to the help of my cousins and Jason. Katie and Elyse came out this past weekend to help paint the baby room. Katie is a perfectionist which worked out in my favor. Most of the time Katie just wanted to do everything on her own so Elyse and I hung out downstairs and watched America's Funniest Home Videos. And of course I wasn't allowed in the room (except a few minutes here and there). Jason even put on his Michael Jackson mask to help. I was so happy with the end results. It was better than I had hoped for! Thanks Katie for being a night owl and staying up until 2:30 to finish small details! I miss you cousins already!!

Just starting out Messing with Katie
Michael Jackson!Katie was in charge of the Zebras (most difficult of the animals)

Elyse took over the elephants