Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Tucson baby shower

So my awesome big sister threw me the best baby shower in Tucson this past weekend. I got to see a TON of people I haven't seen in so long, plus all of my family. It was so much fun! We played games, opened presents, and ate lots of cake. Ryden is completely spoiled and he is not even born yet! We also got to watch Ben's last soccer game. GO GREEN FROGS! Jason and I of course had to make T-shirts for the special occasion. Melinda and Brandon even came down for the festivities. Can I just say that Melinda is one excited Aunt. She literally had her hand on my belly the entire visit. The twins were the same way. K & E even got to feel Ryden kick a few times. Even though it was such a fast trip I feel like I got to spend a lot of time with the family which always makes me happy. I always wish I lived closer but I can't leave California.
PS. I hope you are feeling better Pa!YEAH GREEN FROGS!! Even though they don't keep score...I say they won!
Jade is due in July and isn't even showing yet. I keep warning her that she will pop one day just like I did!

Isn't my shirt so cute? Thanks Marcy for the homemade tank top! I loved it!

Thank you for the best shower ever Sara!! And PT mom ever!