Saturday, July 11, 2009

Family time in San Diego

Every year most of my family comes to San Diego for the 4th of July so I had a full week of family time. I had a whole house of baby hogs which was wonderful! I had so much time to myself that I started to miss Ryden a little :)
I loved being able to leave the boy with the three best babysitters in the world so I could actually lay out in the sun and get some color! My legs were the same color as a sheet of paper I swear! GG, Aunt Chris and Uncle Dale were so good with Ryden and he loved loved them!!! They even helped me keep him on schdule.
Fourth of July was pretty calm. We stayed around the bay and just hung out. I had my first beer in almost a year. Only one though and then I was done! I didn't even make it long enough to see the fire works because my bedtime is around 8:30 with Ryden. Jason went to the beach for a little bit with the cousins and I think that was the only time we went over there. We mostly stayed by the bay so that I could relieve the babysitters if needed. My cousin Elyse only got to stay for a few days and we were very sad when she had to leave. My other cousin Katie and I pretty much spent the rest of the week around each other 24/7. Any time I needed to pass off Ryden she would be the first one to grab him. The last day we rented a stand up surf board paddle thingy (don't actually know the real name) and it was tons of fun! I thought I would be horrible at it because I don't have the greatest balance in the world but I was surprisingly ok at it. Even Uncle Dale tried it out and did pretty well. Jason of course had to do a karate kick off of it. I managed to see the fireworks on the very last day which was way passed my bedtime.
I miss them all so much! I wish they could stay for the rest of the summer....just when I actually started to get a little color! HA! Ryden ADORED his whole family and was so happy the entire time they were here.

Uncle Dale and Jason...Airspeed for LIFE!

Ryden loved his Aunt Katie the baby hog and also loved looking at himself in the mirror (just like daddy!)
The traditional 4th of July attire! So hot Aunt Chris!

We made sure Elyse got to hold Ryden a lot since this was her last night in San Diego. My cousins are naturals with babies.
BFF! I miss her!
Isn't he the cutest?
Uncle Dale the babysitter did P90X daily with Ryden to build his muscles!
Didn't you get the "Big Glasses" memo?
GG and Jason. GG was the one who nagged Jason enough to propose to me..HAHAH..thanks GG!

Another great karate kick picture. Thank you Maddie for being a model.

Katie and I began to name all of Ryden's cute poses. This one is his "Super Model" pose.

Being silly
Frank and Cindy took us to eat at the San Diego Yacht Club....yummy!

GG making the boy smile

I love this smile and I get to see it all day long.

Surf's up!

My favorite boys!

My little family (plaid twins!)

The whole gang