Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Ryden update

My little boy is getting so big! He is such a long baby and is starting to grow out of his newborn clothes (sigh) and starting to fit into 3 month sizes. I am having such a great time with this kid. He is developing quite a personality and amazes me every day. During tummy time he turns his head from one side to the other. He will follow objects with his eyes. He loves looking at faces and will laugh if you laugh. He is SO happy in the mornings and afternoons. He will smile all day long. The evenings are his semi-fussy time but he is still happy when Daddy comes home. He still takes all his naps in his swing (sigh again) but sleeps in his crib at nights (such a big boy!). He goes right to bed around 8:30pm, wakes up at 2:00am, eats, and goes right back to bed. He has started waking up around 5:00am or 5:30am which is a little early but I can usually feed him again and put him back down for a short nap. Then he gets his morning Daddy time. He is super excited to meet the rest of his family this weekend when they all come to San Diego for the 4th of July. His very first holiday! I will make sure to take lots of pictures.
Passed out with Daddy
He loves his foot rattles (ok not really but I thought he looked totally cute!)

Whenever I decide to go to the mall and go shopping I leave Ryden with the babysitter

His Hip Hop look

Our friends Megan and Will came to visit. I must say Will is quite the baby whisperer. He had Ryden asleep in no time