Friday, July 31, 2009

Ryden's favorites- 9 weeks old

Here are a few of Ryden's favorite things to do at nine weeks old:

Looking at his fish aquarium. It plays music and the fish blow bubbles...coooool!

He loves tummy time although sometimes he will move his head to the middle and get stuck. Can't breathe!

Staring at his mobile in his crib. Shapes turn around and around...totally cool!!!

There is a video of him watching his mobile at the bottom. Nothing crazy exciting happened but he is still super cuteness!


sucking on his hands

Sleeping in his big boy crib at night. Bedtime is around 7:30 or 8:00 and then he sleeps until 4:00am...feeds...and sleeps until about him!

Pulling on his shirt

And laughing...lots and lots of laughing

I am so lucky to have such a wonderful husband who allows me to be a stay at home mom...the best job I ever applied for! I love being able to see this little man every single day...all day