Wednesday, September 23, 2009


WEIGHT: 14lbs 8oz

LENGTH: 25 inches

FAVORITE TOY: His butterfly stuffed toy. This has been a life saver for car rides. He now entertains himself with this butterfly while riding in the car.

FAVORITE ACTIVITY: Jumping in his "Johnny Jumper" (bouncer thingy) He turns around and his little chunky legs stick out the bottom...sooo cute!
MILESTONE: Laughing. Rolling from tummy to back. No more bobble head!
DISLIKES: Taking long naps. He is a power napper all the way

SLEEP PATTERN: Half of the time he will sleep the entire night 7ish-6ish in the morning. The other half he will still wake up once around go back to sleep. He loves sleeping on his side also

We absolutely adore this boy more and more each day. He got his shots today and was such a trooper!