Monday, September 21, 2009

More family time

Jason's family came out to visit this weekend. This included his Dad, Stepsister, Grandfather, and two Grandma's. So this translates to Ryden's Grandpa, Aunt, Great Grandfather, and two Great Grandmothers. They each got to have baby time and Ryden loves being the entertainer. We also went to dinner on Saturday night and everyone oooed and ahhhed over him at the restaurant. It was nice to have my hands free for most of the weekend because someone was always holding him. It was also nice to see everyone since we don't get to see them that often.

Great Grandfather Don and Great Grandma Pam

Great Grandma Cora (this was the only picture she wasn't hiding behind Ryden!)

Four generations of MacMaster men
More family

Great Grandma Pam rocking the boy to sleep

Cora being "bad to the bone"

Jason's Uncle Steve and Aunt Kathy came to visit. We didn't get one picture with Kathy but here is Steve