Sunday, September 27, 2009


Its Jason here - getting an opp to update the blog. Amy and I left Ryden with grandma and aunty Mel for an entire day (first time) and ventured out to Catalina island. It was an awesome day of adventure...glammer, glitter, fashion, and fame (sorry that was the JEM theme song).
Amy and took the Catlalina Express over to the island starting off the day with some 8am Bloody Mary's. Long story very short, we fit the following activities in our day trip; Rented a golf cart and cruised the island, karate kicked for the locals, ate corndogs on the beach (Amy's fav), rented waverunners, snorkled at a reef, and drank huge margarita's before getting back on the boat at 6pm. By the time we returned home, Ryden was already fast asleep. Thank you T-tawg aka grandma G for letting us out to play.

-I know, LAME - no pictures of Ryden.. Well - Amy has some new pictures and will post them soon :) GOOD DAY..