Friday, October 30, 2009

Pumpkin carving

So I carved my first pumpkin and I must say I did an alright job (nothing compared to my dad who is pumpkin carver supreme!) It does kinda look like my skull has braces. Oh well...better luck next year!

Jason did one too! Super cute

And here are some cute Ryden pictures. Thank you Auntie Katie for the cute shirt!

Zoo Day

It was zoo day for the three mommies and babies. Claire, Cara, and I headed off super early to the San Diego Zoo. It was nice getting there early because it wasn't crowded at all. But by the mid-morning more people started to show up and it was super hot. The babies seemed to have a pretty good time considering. Ryden even showed a little interest in looking at some of the animals. He even got to stand face to face with a monkey! He was such a good boy! Didn't fuss at all except when he was in his stroller. But as soon as I put him in the baby bjorn and he could see everything he was fine....kickin' his legs and having a grand ol' time. Oliver and Ryden even got into the Halloween spirit. Oliver had on his pumpkin onesie and Ryden had a ghost onesie and some nerdy Halloween colored pants. We had so much time we need to take Daddy, Grandma T-Dawg and Auntie Mel (and anyone else who comes to Cali to visit).

All three babies ready to go

You can't tell but we are standing in front of the elephants. Not such a nice background

The two boys

Love the pandas!

Claire and Mr. Pumpkin Man

Passed out Patty!

Look....he loves it!

Ok....not so much

Only two babies remaining at the end....

Monday, October 26, 2009

Book Worm

Ryden loves reading books and has recently started to hold them on his own. He wants to read quietly to himself instead.

Friday, October 23, 2009


WEIGHT: 16lbs
LENGTH: 25 inches

FAVORITE TOY: Mirrors! He loves looking at himself and laughing (wonder where he got that from! Also, he loves to swing in his backyard.

FAVORITE ACTIVITY: Playing with his new friends...Oliver and Aurora

MILESTONE: Turns from his back to his stomach all the time. The other night when he was supposed to be sleeping I checked the baby monitor. He was chillin' on his stomach looking at the giraffe's on his wall. Also, he can sit up almost on his own now.

DISLIKES: Rice cereal. I think we might need to try again in a week or so....

SLEEP PATTERN: He sleeps all night every night. I put him to bed fully awake around 6:30ish and he puts himself to sleep. And he will sleep until I get him up in the morning.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Pumpkin Patch

I am so glad the holidays are here so I can drag everyone to the holiday-ee stuff. My first adventure....the pumpkin patch! We drove down to Cardiff and went to a super cute little pumpkin patch complete with jumping castles and tons of photo opps. Of course Ryden was too little to go in the jumping castle but we took about 3000 pictures by every single pumpkin we could. It was a blast although Ryden was over it after about 10 minutes.

Ryden seemed to be focusing on something pretty scary!
Grandma T-Dawg and Auntie Mel (Ryden still looking at the same thing)

SOOO not happy posing by the pumpkins. But he is sitting up like a big boy!

Melinda found a new boyfriend

Smiling with Daddy

Check out the chunky thighs! Want to eat them!

The Gang

Don't think we could leave without getting a karate kick picture.

Jason had Ryden laying on his stomach and it was just too cute. I had to take about 40 pictures!

And just one more picture of Oliver and Ryden. This time Oliver is the one smiling so I had to post it

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Big boy food, BFF's and swings

Since Ryden's BFF Paxton lives all the way in Arizona he had to find a California best friend. Enter.....Oliver. Ryden hung out with Oliver every day last week and they are becoming the best of friends. They start to recognize each other when we get them together. We also took them to their first playgroup. There were about 8 other babies there...lots of girls! Oliver turned onto his belly for the first time and he is only 3 months old! He is giving Ryden a run for his money....showin' him out Ryden...!

Lots of babies!

Oliver seems to want his jungle mat back!

We also bought a swing for Ryden. Although it is supposed to be used on a jungle gym, we hung it on our back pouch. He loved it!

And finally....Ryden graduated to big boy food today. We introduced a little bit of rice cereal. He had no idea what to do with it. He just held it in his mouth and moved it around with his tounge. Then it just spilled out the front. We will have to keep trying so he can get used to the thickness. It was still pretty funny to watch.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

New Friends

Ryden made two new friends and we went to the aquarium at Legoland with them yesterday. We had such a good time. Ryden loves looking at all the fish but did spend a lot of time looking at his new friend Auroa (she's pretty!) Last week Ryden also rolled over from his back to his tummy and was quite proud of himself. So he has been continuing to do that non-stop (except when Grandma is over and wants to see). I will lay him on a blanket on his back, turn my head for a second and when I look back he is on his tummy smiling so big. It's so cute!

Claire and baby Oliver

Cara and baby Auroa

Me and my boy

The gang

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Paparazzi - Ryden style

I just wanted to post a few recent pics of the boy.. As you can tell - we purchased a Canon Rebel EOS and the picture quality is AMAZING! Ryden's hair is finally growing back but he still looks like 'Old man magoo' in some pictures :) J.m@c