Jason did one too! Super cute
And here are some cute Ryden pictures. Thank you Auntie Katie for the cute shirt!
And here are some cute Ryden pictures. Thank you Auntie Katie for the cute shirt!
Love the pandas!
Claire and Mr. Pumpkin Man
Passed out Patty!
Look....he loves it!
Ok....not so much
Only two babies remaining at the end....
FAVORITE TOY: Mirrors! He loves looking at himself and laughing (wonder where he got that from! Also, he loves to swing in his backyard.
FAVORITE ACTIVITY: Playing with his new friends...Oliver and Aurora
MILESTONE: Turns from his back to his stomach all the time. The other night when he was supposed to be sleeping I checked the baby monitor. He was chillin' on his stomach looking at the giraffe's on his wall. Also, he can sit up almost on his own now.
DISLIKES: Rice cereal. I think we might need to try again in a week or so....
SLEEP PATTERN: He sleeps all night every night. I put him to bed fully awake around 6:30ish and he puts himself to sleep. And he will sleep until I get him up in the morning.
SOOO not happy posing by the pumpkins. But he is sitting up like a big boy!
Melinda found a new boyfriend
Smiling with Daddy
Check out the chunky thighs! Want to eat them!
The Gang
Don't think we could leave without getting a karate kick picture.
And just one more picture of Oliver and Ryden. This time Oliver is the one smiling so I had to post it
We also bought a swing for Ryden. Although it is supposed to be used on a jungle gym, we hung it on our back pouch. He loved it!
And finally....Ryden graduated to big boy food today. We introduced a little bit of rice cereal. He had no idea what to do with it. He just held it in his mouth and moved it around with his tounge. Then it just spilled out the front. We will have to keep trying so he can get used to the thickness. It was still pretty funny to watch.