Friday, October 23, 2009


WEIGHT: 16lbs
LENGTH: 25 inches

FAVORITE TOY: Mirrors! He loves looking at himself and laughing (wonder where he got that from! Also, he loves to swing in his backyard.

FAVORITE ACTIVITY: Playing with his new friends...Oliver and Aurora

MILESTONE: Turns from his back to his stomach all the time. The other night when he was supposed to be sleeping I checked the baby monitor. He was chillin' on his stomach looking at the giraffe's on his wall. Also, he can sit up almost on his own now.

DISLIKES: Rice cereal. I think we might need to try again in a week or so....

SLEEP PATTERN: He sleeps all night every night. I put him to bed fully awake around 6:30ish and he puts himself to sleep. And he will sleep until I get him up in the morning.