Friday, October 30, 2009

Zoo Day

It was zoo day for the three mommies and babies. Claire, Cara, and I headed off super early to the San Diego Zoo. It was nice getting there early because it wasn't crowded at all. But by the mid-morning more people started to show up and it was super hot. The babies seemed to have a pretty good time considering. Ryden even showed a little interest in looking at some of the animals. He even got to stand face to face with a monkey! He was such a good boy! Didn't fuss at all except when he was in his stroller. But as soon as I put him in the baby bjorn and he could see everything he was fine....kickin' his legs and having a grand ol' time. Oliver and Ryden even got into the Halloween spirit. Oliver had on his pumpkin onesie and Ryden had a ghost onesie and some nerdy Halloween colored pants. We had so much time we need to take Daddy, Grandma T-Dawg and Auntie Mel (and anyone else who comes to Cali to visit).

All three babies ready to go

You can't tell but we are standing in front of the elephants. Not such a nice background

The two boys

Love the pandas!

Claire and Mr. Pumpkin Man

Passed out Patty!

Look....he loves it!

Ok....not so much

Only two babies remaining at the end....