Saturday, October 10, 2009

Big boy food, BFF's and swings

Since Ryden's BFF Paxton lives all the way in Arizona he had to find a California best friend. Enter.....Oliver. Ryden hung out with Oliver every day last week and they are becoming the best of friends. They start to recognize each other when we get them together. We also took them to their first playgroup. There were about 8 other babies there...lots of girls! Oliver turned onto his belly for the first time and he is only 3 months old! He is giving Ryden a run for his money....showin' him out Ryden...!

Lots of babies!

Oliver seems to want his jungle mat back!

We also bought a swing for Ryden. Although it is supposed to be used on a jungle gym, we hung it on our back pouch. He loved it!

And finally....Ryden graduated to big boy food today. We introduced a little bit of rice cereal. He had no idea what to do with it. He just held it in his mouth and moved it around with his tounge. Then it just spilled out the front. We will have to keep trying so he can get used to the thickness. It was still pretty funny to watch.